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Create collection



Creates a new empty documents collection. You need the Creator role to call this api.



    id uuidnullable

    A unique identifier (GUID) that identifies the collection

    title stringnullable

    Title of the collection

    description stringnullable

    A brief description of the collection

    accessMode CollectionAccessMode

    Possible values: [Everyone, MembersOnly]

    members object[]nullable

    List of members. Calling user is always added.

  • Array [
  • identity stringnullable
    privileges MemberPrivileges

    Possible values: [Reader, Owner, Contributor]

  • ]
  • tags object[]nullable

    List of tags

  • Array [
  • key stringnullable
    value nullable
  • ]



    id uuid

    Collection id (GUID)

    title stringnullable

    Title of the collection

    description stringnullable

    A brief description of the collection

    jobReference stringnullable

    Internal field to track jobs associated to this collection

    accessMode CollectionAccessMode

    Possible values: [Everyone, MembersOnly]

    members object[]nullable

    Collection members

  • Array [
  • identity stringnullable
    privileges MemberPrivileges

    Possible values: [Reader, Owner, Contributor]

  • ]
  • tags object[]nullable

    List of tags

  • Array [
  • key stringnullable
    value nullable
  • ]
  • properties objectnullable

    Collection properties

    documentCount int64
    documentsUsedSpace int64
    vectorIndexCount int64
    vectorIndexUsedSpace int64
    syntacticIndexCount int64
    syntacticIndexSpace int64