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Get conversation



Get a bot conversation from your personal collection if the app has it enabled. You must specify the botId and the conversationId.


Path Parameters

    botId uuidrequired
    conversationId stringrequired



    id uuid

    Document id (GUID)

    collectionId uuid

    Collection id (GUID)

    collectionTitle stringnullable

    Collection title

    title stringnullable

    Document title

    description stringnullable

    Brief description of the document

    boost float

    Set a value to boost this document over others. The default value is 1.

    reference stringnullable

    Internal reference of the document. Also used to search the document.

    audiences string[]nullable

    List of target audiences for the document.

    currentSnapshot object
    id uuid
    documentId uuid
    content stringnullable
    hash stringnullable
    contentSource DocumentContentSource

    Possible values: [Internal, External]

    splitMethod DocumentSplitMethod

    Possible values: [Auto, Paragraph, Block, None]

    fileName stringnullable
    contentType stringnullable
    language stringnullable
    bootstrapIntents string[]nullable
    suggestions string[]nullable
    jobReference stringnullable
    status DocumentStatus

    Possible values: [Draft, Published, Retired]

    trainingStatus DocumentTrainingStatus

    Possible values: [Pending, Training, Trained, Error]

    properties objectnullable
    createdOn date-time
    createdBy stringnullable
    tags object[]nullable

    List of tags

  • Array [
  • key stringnullable
    value nullable
  • ]
  • dontAdvertise boolean

    Do not advertise this document

    fileName stringnullable

    Associated file name

    members object[]nullable

    List of users and their document access privileges

  • Array [
  • identity stringnullable
    privileges MemberPrivileges

    Possible values: [Reader, Owner, Contributor]

  • ]