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Get skill



Gets a specific skill by its id. You need to be a Contributor to call this api.


Path Parameters

    skillId uuidrequired



    id uuid

    Skill id (GUID)

    title stringnullable

    Title of the skill

    description objectnullable

    Brief description of the skill in different languages.

    property name* string
    jobReference stringnullable

    Internal field to track jobs associated to this skill

    trainingStatus SkillTrainingStatus

    Possible values: [Pending, Training, Trained, Error]

    accessMode SkillAccessMode

    Possible values: [Everyone, MembersOnly]

    members object[]nullable

    List of users and their skill access privileges

  • Array [
  • identity stringnullable
    privileges MemberPrivileges

    Possible values: [Reader, Owner, Contributor]

  • ]
  • type SkillType

    Possible values: [Dialog, Search]

    currentSnapshot object
    id uuid

    Snapshot id (GUID)

    skillId uuid

    Skill id (GUID)

    content stringnullable

    Information associated with the skill that can be versioned through snapshots. This information is in json format.

    hash stringnullable

    Hash associated with the snapshot is calculated based on the Content.

    languages string[]nullable

    List of languages associated with the skills.

    bootstrapIntents string[]nullable

    List of bootstrap intentns associated with the skill.

    status SkillStatus

    Possible values: [Draft, Published, Retired]

    trainingStatus SkillTrainingStatus

    Possible values: [Pending, Training, Trained, Error]

    variables objectnullable

    Skill variables

    createdOn date-time

    Creation date

    createdBy stringnullable

    Creation user

    tags object[]nullable

    List of tags

  • Array [
  • key stringnullable
    value nullable
  • ]
  • properties objectnullable

    Skill properties

    logApiKeys objectnullable
    property name* LogApiKeyItemnullable
    audiences string[]nullable