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Ask bot



Ask a question to your bot passing the BotId and optionally a ConversationID to continue the same conversation. Sample request:

POST api/bots/d07c3908-95ae-4bb8-b123-c4251784ce6b/ask?conversationId=1234
"query": "Hello",
"language": "en"


Path Parameters

    botId uuidrequired

Query Parameters

    conversationId string
    snapshotId uuid


    identity stringnullable
    query stringnullable
    audience string[]nullable
    language stringnullable
    topK int32nullable
    media object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • documentId uuid
    snapshotId uuidnullable
    title stringnullable
  • ]
  • preferences object
    temperature floatnullable
    searchSkills string[]nullable
    searchLanguages string[]nullable
    allowInternetAccess booleannullable



    identity object
    name stringnullable
    displayName stringnullable
    preferredLanguage stringnullable
    audience string[]nullable
    context object
    conversationId stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty

    identity object
    name stringnullable
    displayName stringnullable
    preferredLanguage stringnullable
    audience string[]nullable
    language stringnullable
    container stringnullable
    preferences object
    temperature floatnullable
    searchSkills string[]nullable
    searchLanguages string[]nullable
    allowInternetAccess booleannullable
    variables objectnullable
    entities objectnullable
    property name* object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • label stringnullable
    unit stringnullable
    literal stringnullable
    value stringnullable
    value2 stringnullable
  • ]
  • messages object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • role MessageRole

    Possible values: [Assistant, User, System, Function, Event]

    content object
    type MessageType

    Possible values: [Plain, Document, FunctionCall, FunctionResult, Event]

    text stringnullable
    properties objectnullable
    score doublenullable
    sentiment doublenullable
    toxic doublenullable
    skillId uuidnullable
    skillType SkillType

    Possible values: [Dialog, Search]

    skillSnapshotId uuidnullable
    action object
    title stringnullable
    type ActionType

    Possible values: [None, MessageBack, OpenUrl]

    sticky boolean
    properties objectnullable
    actions object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • title stringnullable
    type ActionType

    Possible values: [None, MessageBack, OpenUrl]

    sticky boolean
    properties objectnullable
  • ]
  • timestamp date-time
    media object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • documentId uuid
    snapshotId uuidnullable
    title stringnullable
  • ]
  • ]
  • activeSkills object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • id uuid
    snapshotId uuid
    type SkillType

    Possible values: [Dialog, Search]

    properties objectnullable
  • ]
  • messages object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • role MessageRole

    Possible values: [Assistant, User, System, Function, Event]

    content object
    type MessageType

    Possible values: [Plain, Document, FunctionCall, FunctionResult, Event]

    text stringnullable
    properties objectnullable
    score doublenullable
    sentiment doublenullable
    toxic doublenullable
    skillId uuidnullable
    skillType SkillType

    Possible values: [Dialog, Search]

    skillSnapshotId uuidnullable
    action object
    title stringnullable
    type ActionType

    Possible values: [None, MessageBack, OpenUrl]

    sticky boolean
    properties objectnullable
    actions object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • title stringnullable
    type ActionType

    Possible values: [None, MessageBack, OpenUrl]

    sticky boolean
    properties objectnullable
  • ]
  • timestamp date-time
    media object[]nullable
  • Array [
  • documentId uuid
    snapshotId uuidnullable
    title stringnullable
  • ]
  • ]
  • properties objectnullable