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Lists bots



Lists all bots the user has access to via OData


Query Parameters

    $select string

    Returns only the selected properties. (ex. FirstName, LastName, City)

    $expand string

    Include only the selected objects. (ex. Childrens, Locations)

    $filter string

    Filter the response with OData filter queries.

    $top string

    Number of objects to return. (ex. 25)

    $skip string

    Number of objects to skip in the current order (ex. 50)

    $orderby string

    Define the order by one or more fields (ex. LastModified)



    count int64

    Total items in server

    items object[]nullable

    Items retrieved

  • Array [
  • id uuid

    Bot id (GUID)

    enable boolean

    Indicates if the bot is available for use

    title stringnullable

    Title of the bot

    description objectnullable

    Brief description of the bot in different languages.

    property name* string
    jobReference stringnullable

    Internal field to track jobs associated to this bot

    accessMode BotAccessMode

    Possible values: [Everyone, MembersOnly]

    strategy BotRoutingStrategy

    Possible values: [Router, Sequential, Llm]

    status BotStatus

    Possible values: [Draft, Published, Retired]

    trainingStatus BotTrainingStatus

    Possible values: [Pending, Training, Trained, Error]

    currentSnapshotDateTime date-timenullable

    Date and time of the current bot snapshot.

    tags object[]nullable

    List of tags

  • Array [
  • key stringnullable
    value nullable
  • ]
  • ]
  • continuationToken stringnullable

    A continuation token
